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    $10/hr Starting at $50 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Meet Shaktikanta Das, a 22-year-old content writing maestro, boasting a year of experience. His pen weaves magic into articles, blogs, and content, delivering engaging, informative, and captivating pieces...

    AI WritingArticle EditingArticle RewritingArticle WritingArts Writing


"Shaktikanta: Crafting Words, Weaving Stories, Igniting Impact."

**Meet Shaktikanta Das: Your Content Maestro**

*Masterful Writing at 22: Unlocking the Power of Words*

Shaktikanta Das, a young virtuoso in the world of content creation, is your gateway to compelling, purposeful writing. With one year of professional experience, Shaktikanta specializes in diverse content genres, be it informative blogs, captivating storytelling, or persuasive marketing copy. His mission is simple: to transform your ideas into words that resonate, creating a lasting impact. Whether it's crafting engaging narratives or providing SEO-optimized content, Shaktikanta's expertise shines through every word. For quality content writing on, Shaktikanta Das is your trusted source for your any projects.

Work Terms

Payment Terms for Freelancer Services

1. Payment Schedule:

Payment will be made on a [weekly/bi-weekly/monthly] basis, depending on the nature and duration of the project.
The first payment will be made [upon project initiation/on a specified date], and subsequent payments will follow according to the agreed schedule.
2. Payment Method:

Payments will be made via [PayPal, bank transfer, another agreed-upon method].
The freelancer is responsible for providing accurate payment details.
3. Invoice Submission:

The freelancer must submit a detailed invoice, including their contact information, services provided, and hours worked (if applicable), before each scheduled payment.
4. Payment Amount:

Payment will be calculated based on the agreed-upon rate or project milestones.
Any additional expenses or agreed-upon bonuses will be added to the payment amount.
5. Payment Confirmation:

The client will confirm receipt of the invoice within [X] business days and resolve any discrepancies or concerns if they arise.
6. Late Payments:

In the event of late payments, the client agrees to pay [X]% interest on the outstanding amount for each day of delay beyond [X] days from the due date.
7. Dispute Resolution:

In case of disputes related to payment or service quality, both parties agree to resolve the matter through negotiation, mediation, or arbitration, as outlined in the contract.
8. Termination:

If the project is terminated prematurely, the freelancer will be compensated for the work completed up to that point, as agreed upon in the contract.
9. Retainer or Advance Payment:

In some cases, an advance payment or retainer may be required before the freelancer begins work. The amount and terms of the retainer will be specified in the contract.
10. Satisfaction Guarantee:
- The client has the right to withhold payment if the services provided do not meet the agreed-upon quality standards. The freelancer will have the opportunity to rectify any issues before payment is made.