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  • Content Writing
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  • App Development
  • Article Writing
  • Audiobooks
  • Coding
  • College Education Planning
  • Data Entry
  • Film Reviews
  • Ideation
  • Magazine Design
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  • Pen & Ink Drawing
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  • Audio Book Narrator | Writer

    $40/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource


    AudiobooksContent WritingFilm ReviewsReadingWeb Content Writing
  • Coding/programming

    $30/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I have worked on many development projects. I have a knack for coding and I have been doing for a very long time. I assure to deliver high quality and rich UI based apps with strong functioning business...

    App DevelopmentCodingProgrammingSoftware DevelopmentUser Interface Design
  • Content Writing

    $15/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I have contributed articles to college magazines and local newspapers.I always manage to come up with original ideas and content while delivering such projects. Moreover, I love to pen down my thoughts...

    Article WritingCollege Education PlanningContent WritingData EntryIdeation


Avid Reader | Trained Singer | Content Writer | Reviewer| Editor | Consultant | Analyst | Social Media Enthusiast| Digital Marketer| Digital Content Manager | Audio Books Narrator |

Despite having a staunch technical background, I've always had this passion for language and writing. Penning down /reforming/ reading diversified contents has always been my strong point.

Nothing entices me more than script writing and cinematography. Character and plot analysis is something I've always enjoyed.

Besides, I have prior experience for content writing, digital content management, digital marketing. I am also diligently active on Social Media platforms which keeps me updated on contemporary trends. I have been actively writing on topics from all walks of life.

Being an avid reader, I have a good grasp over current events and happenings of the world and a strong command on English. This gives me the confidence to yield results promptly.

Reading, writing and watching provide me the satiation I need for a perfect work-personal life balance. It also defines me for who I am and does not bound me the to the work zone I am in.

I am a senior developer at my current job. Nevertheless, I have been performing on the lines of business and research analysis, dealing hands on with clients and users and effectively communicating the changes/ defects/bugs as well as requirements between client and current team.

I have been leading my team in critical tasks such as closure activities and have successfully mentored new comers in the team for the same. Moreover, effective communication and an organised approach towards solving problems have always been my strong points.

Even in my current role as a developer, I prefer to indulge myself in requirement analysis, reorganization changes and closure activities that require more of data gathering and analysis and less of programming.

This has given me a lot of experience in the past 3 years and I have also successful mentored a few juniors in my team for the same.

Work Terms

I am always available for Part Time Jobs with flexible hours. Payments can be negotiated. Always available on call, texts and emails.