Well Traveled, Well Read, Well Written
I've specialized in alternative medicine and holistic health for over 30 years. What started as a personal journey for my own recovery turned into a passion to teach others how to overcome diseases naturally. Since 1989, I studied and offered Jin Shin Jyutsu (a form of acupressure), to the public and 5 years with Hospice.
After graduating from Regis University in Denver, CO with a BA in Communication Arts and several courses with American Writers & Artists Institute (AWAI), I decided to take my healing arts background and transition into a career in business writing and social media. I've now published over 200 articles for a variety of online and offline magazines, newspapers, and blogs on spa health, holistic health, business successes, outdoor adventures, social media, spirituality, and travel.
Always a restless soul, I've traveled quite a bit in the United States and other countries, (lived and worked the RV lifestyle for 4 years) and along the way managed to gather over 20 years of experience working with resorts and inns throughout the Southwest.
Hobbies: Anything outdoors- Kayaking, Hiking, Camping, Swimming, Hot-springs,
Gardening, Biking, Cross-country Skiing or Snowshoeing as well as Jazzercise, Yoga,
Photography, Visiting Art Galleries, Fine Wine, Reading Mysteries or Self-help books