Seeking part time gigs while attending courses
I have more years of experience than I care to admit in technical support (from help-desk to tier 3 support), about eight years in Software Quality, a secret love of Unix/Linux Sys Admin and shell scripting, a history/secondary education degree, and about a decade of technical training experience. My ideal would be to refresh and sharpen my scripting skills (Javascript as well as shell scripting), and work on development tools and experience.
In software QA, I love the analysis phase, being a part of a great team working to deliver software consistently, on time, within budget and still meeting the customer's actual needs. I have excellent communication skills (as in keeping team and management updated regularly, as well as communicating diplomatically and effectively with development team members) and have utilized those skills with a definite customer advocate philosophy. I'm an excellent problem solver (left over from years of technical support) capable of interacting at all internal and client levels (in other words, effective social skills).
I served as junior sys admin for Unix/Linux systems and assistant DBA in Oracle and am currently taking the MS SQL Server Databaase Administrator course, preparing for the exam, The plan is to also becomes an Oracle certified profresssion, and possibly explore Linux certification.
Specialties: Testing web applications, using SQL tools (Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2) to create queries and procedures to perform back end testing and verification; writing Unix/Linux shell scripts and combining them with SQL to produce results for that same back end verification.
Work Terms
Monday through Thursday, under twenty hours per week, and either phone or Skype is fine with me, although initial contact via email is preferred.