QUANTITY+BEST QUALITY= shehroze sarfaraz
ECIL (Engineering Consultants International Limit
2013 - 2013
ASSESSMENT OF ROAD CONDITION AND DATA COLLECTION OF ABU-DHABI: In ABU-DHABI, Working with ORBIT MOBILE MAPPING software, an angle of 360° view of the city, based on different collection of panoramas was used for creation of different road features and marking their conditions. * Road Inventory * Pavement Condition Index (PCI) * International Roughness Index (IRI) * Creation of themes(vector layers) * Quality assurance of Vector Layer * Creation of vector layer * QC and QA for processed data and attribute data management through topology tool. _ _ ASSESSMENT OF ROAD CONDITION AND DATA COLLECTION OF AL-AIN CITY: In AL-AIN city, We Applying different tools and extensions for data creation and quality checking while working on different assets of Road Inventory & road condition and used Areal Imagery of spatial resolution 0.4m, for mapping raw data on Arc Map. * Road Inventory * Quality assurance of Vector Layer * Creation of vector layer * QC and QA for processed data and attribute data management through topology tool. * Used VB.NET & python scripts in the field calculator for attributes and domain alteration.
Work Terms
operation hours will be conduct approx. 8$/hr
payment terms and condition will be on a project completely done with client satisfaction.