Blockchain, Bitcoin, Etherium, Arbitrage Bot, Web socket, python, go, Data mining, Data Engineer
Main core area of my expertise is Cryptocurrency technology including Bitcoin and Etherium.
Educated in computer science and programming for 5 years, learned about algorithms, data structures, cryptography and data security during these days.
After the graduation, I had worked as web developer, security manager in Reflux Jp. Latest 4 years, I've been working on Cryptocurrency area, developed Cryptocurrecy Exchanges and Arbitrage Bot system.
During these days, I experienced with opensource engine such as cctx, developed own Arbitrage Bot algorithm and an engine works fast coded by Python and GoLang.
With latest cutting edge technologies, I experience with Data Mining, Analyzing, Deep Learning.
### What I Do
- Cryptocurrency Exchange Platform
- Bitcoin Trading Sites including Arbitrage Bot
- Integrating with REST Api
- Secure Text, Video, Audio Chat
- Admin dashboard
### Skills
- Python, Go
- Web Socket, WebRTC
- HTML5, CSS, Jquery
- LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP)
- Amazon Web Services
- D3.js, C3.js, plotly.js
- Kibana
- Google Analyze
- Spark
Work Terms
40 hours per week in CST/PST. Timezone is flexible.
Hourly is prefered, Fixed is fine.
Skype, Slack or any other communication platform.