Been programming for 4 years, previously in python but recently switched to Dart for the love of Flutter. I try to deliver my full potential on the job I perform and give a satisfactory result as per my clients require.
I am proficient in both object oriented and procedural programming.
I can operate on both Python as well as Flutter framework of dart programming language. I have 4 years of learning experience in python as well as 1 year of Flutter SDK experience. I have worked on several python and dart projects in the past, 20 to be precise.
In Flutter, I have experience in:
- HTTP as http client in Flutter,
- Firebase Framework (Core, Auth, Database, Storage, Messaging),
- SQFlite database library,
- responsive and scalable UI to match your screen size,
- Google Maps,
- Shared Preferences,
- State Management
_ GetX
_ Provider
- Clean Architectures
- Dynamic Theming
- Other different UI elements to give your app that modern looks
In Python, I have experience in:
- Selenium, BeautifulSoup, PyAutoGUI for task automation
- RestAPI, GEOJSON, JSON, requests for interacting with web elements
- Proxies in order to send batch requests
- SQLite database library
- Object Oriented Concepts
- numpy, pandas, SciPy for data processing and visualization
Also, I specially expertise on writing complex logic and small boiler-plate codes to minimize your app size but maximize the output. I can create a well-documented programs and apps for the sake of simplicity and usability. I can also implement several different software engineering methodology such as SCRUM.