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  • App Development
  • Architects
  • Back End Development
  • CD Production
  • CNN
  • DevOps
  • Django
  • Engineering
  • Git
  • Jenkins
  • Keras
  • MongoDB
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • PyTorch

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  • Machine Learning Engineer - Tensorflow

    $30/hr Starting at $100 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Expert Machine Learning Engineer with Experience in Deploying Production Level Deep Learning Solutions. Expert in NLP problems like Natural Language Generation, Chatbot, Document Parsing and also Recommender...

    CNNKerasPyTorchReinforcement LearningRnn
  • React Django Development

    $15/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Expert Django Developer with knowledge of reactjs , vuejs. Have build scalable applications on Django with MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB as backend.

    App DevelopmentBack End DevelopmentDjangoMongoDBMySQL
  • Devops

    $20/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Expert Devops engineer with expertise and understanding of different architecture types. Have built and established CI/CD Pipelines from scratch using Docker and Jenkins. Expert on Ansible, Jenkins and...

    ArchitectsCD ProductionDevOpsEngineeringGit


Machine Learning Engineer/DevOps(MLops)

Shivank has more than 5 years of rigorous experience in designing and building scalable Machine Learning applications in Python. Have built end to end application right from product conceptualizing to setting up right data architecture, model Hypotheses formulation to building production level Machine Learning solutions. Shivank's Area of expertise:-
1. Deep Learning Libraries and Architecture(Tensorflow, Keras, Pytorch)
2. Django Development along with React.js , CSS HTML, Jquery
3. Web Scraping- Scrapy(Have written automated crawler bots)
4. NLP-(Document Parsing, Information Extraction, Semantic Analysis)
5. Big Data Technologies - Hadoop, Spark, MapReduce, Pig, HIVE
6. Linux/Ubuntu (Shell Scripting)
7. Database- Mysql, Postgresql, Mongo DB
8. Serverless Architecture (AWS lambda, AWS Kinesis, S3)
9. Have superb experience on Docker, and Kubernetes.

I am a product guy with expertise on building end to end machine learning applications and an eye on scalable product architecture. If you are building awesome products with the above-mentioned weapons would love to discuss and participate. Also, I am a full-time freelancer and will be available more than 40+ hours a ?week if required