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  • Embedded Development
  • Firmware Development
  • PCB Designing
  • PCB Prototyping
  • Hardware
  • Hardware Iot Solutions
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • 3d Cad Design
  • 3D Printing
  • Arduino
  • C++
  • Circuit Design
  • Electronic Control Design
  • Electronics Hardware Design
  • Electronics Manufacturing Services Industry

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  • Embedded developer

    $10/hr Starting at $50 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Experienced Embedded Software Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the electrical and electronic manufacturing industry. Skilled in Research and Development (R&D) of Embedded Systems & Internet...

    3d Cad Design3D PrintingArduinoC++Circuit Design


ideate, innovate, Implement

Experienced Embedded Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the electrical and electronic manufacturing industry. Skilled in Research and Development (R&D) of Embedded Systems & Internet of things.

Highlights of Main Skills:

ESP32(Expert-Arduino), ESP8266(expert-Arduino), Arduino, ESP-IDF(Beginner), freeRTOS, Nextion, MQTT, HTTP, Quectel 2G, 3G and 4G boards (EG95, Bg96, MC 60) etc, RS485, Modbus, Active and Passive RFID.

1. Development Boards - Arduino, NodeMCU, Particle Photon, BBC microbit, MSP430 launchpad

2. Microcontrollers - 8051, PIC, AVR & MSP430

3. Communication - UART, SPI, 2 wire I2C & 1 wire, LoRa Radios & Lora Gateways, sx1278, sx1276, RFM series.

4. Hardware - Circuit design, power electronics, PCB design, 3D design, PCB Antenna Integration.

5. Wireless - GSM SIM800, GPS NMEA, RFid, NRF24l01, Bluetooth & RF434mhz, BLE, beacons.Quectel Series 2G, 3G, 4G, NBIoT modules. SIM7000, Active and Pssive UHF RFiD,

6. Sensors - DHT11/22, DS18B20, Accelerometer ADXL335, Distance Ultrasonic HCSR04, PIR motion sensor, Hear rate Pulse sensor, MAX30102 pulse oximeter sensor, Soil moisture, Anemometer, BNO055,

7. Internet of Things - ESP8266 WiFi, LAN, GPRS, MQTT, HTTP & NodeRed, RestFul API's, ESP32, AWS IoT

8. API'S USED: Adafruit, Blynk, CloudMQTT, Azure, ubidots

9. Display: Neopixels ws2812, oled, nextion hmi

10. Mobile Application platform: Blynk, Cayenne

11. Single board linux platforms: Raspberry Pi, Orange Pi, Beagleboard.

12. Languages: embedded c,c++, Python, Java script.


14. Cloud integration: AWS (any service), GooGle Cloud, Microsoft Azure

15. Other services - BOM management and sourcing information and Manufacturing links with trusted PCB manufacturers.

Work Terms

Open to work on project basis or hourly rate Basis.