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  • Accounting
  • Budgeting
  • Business Analysis
  • Business Proposal Writing
  • Excel
  • Microsoft Dynamics Great Plains
  • Ms Powerpoint
  • Research


  • Experience quality research work

    $20/hr Starting at $200 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    A strategy can make or break your business. Think about Nokia, you will know what I mean by that. Let me think for you by accumulating facts, figures and related data so you can make a wiser and timely...

    AccountingBudgetingBusiness AnalysisBusiness Proposal WritingExcel


Research is my passion and I truly believe that making decision without researched data is a sin. Thinking is hard, only a few people engage in it. Let me think for you so you do not have to

Let me think for you by accumulating facts, figures and related data so you can make a wiser and timely decision. I have a solid 21 years of experience in professional fields such as Accounting, Information Technology and Consulting. Specifically, 3 years of experience in Accounting, 7 years of experience in Software Consulting and 12 years of experience in Management Consulting. Academically, to prove it further, I have BSc in Accounting, A.C.C.A (Professional Accountant), Microsoft Dynamics certifications and numerous certifications in communications and soft skills. I involved in various consulting projects; ranging from eGovernment, strategy work, ERP implementation, Tourism, Insurance, Hospitality, Agriculture strategic plan and benchmarking.

Work Terms

You can contact me anytime. Due to time difference, I prefer whatsapp or email since the it is less intrusive to my personal life.