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  • Accounting
  • Design
  • Legal Advice
  • Marketing
  • Outsourcing Consulting
  • Relationship Management
  • Software Development
  • Systems Engineering
  • Tax Services


  • R&D or outsourcing Belarus

    $5/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Do you have a developer company? The company needs a high quality developers with a low price? Don't waste your money and time! It's time to start business in Belarus with our help. We are qualified in...

    AccountingDesignLegal AdviceMarketingOutsourcing Consulting


R&D or outsourcing centre in Minsk, Belarus

We know all about how to start a business, what tax system to choose, how to become a resident of the HTP, how to provide legal and accounting support to companies, how to submit state reporting, provide daily paperwork, how to interact with official institutions.

We have extensive experience in launching and maintaining offices, especially for IT. Reliable relationships with landlords, the best suppliers and contractors. Experience in the design of premises and ergonomics, the organization of workplaces and chill zones.

Belarusian jurisdiction is complicated by the legal formalities and daily paper work. While we are dealing with all non-development tasks, you can be completely dedicated to the software development, marketing or just to accumulate the freed up funds.

We work with the best HR and know where and how to find personnel for your projects. In addition, we love communication with employees (HRM), feel them and participate in solving their problems. However, at the same time we are always on your side in the labor relations

Founded: 2012