Professional iOS App and Game Expert
Professional iOS App and Game developer with five years of experience working in the advertising industry.
📌 Skills:
✅ Swift, Objective-C, JavaScript, C#
✅ iOS, Cocoa Touch, Android, NodeJS, Ruby on Rails, ASPNetCore
✅ SwiftUi, Storyboards, Xib, SnapKit
✅ Game Development: Unity 3D, Cocos2D, Spritekit, Unreal Engine, CryEngine
✅ Xcode, AppCode, IntelliJ IDEA, Android Studio
✅ Github, BitBucket, GitLab, Azure Dev Ops
✅ CocoaPods, Carthage, Swift Package Manager
✅ CoreData, Realm, SQLite, MySQL, SQLServer
✅ Clean Architecture, MVVM, FRP, RxSwift, Combine, MVC
✅ BaaS: Firebase, Parse
✅ API Integration, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Coinbae, Google Maps, and many others.
✅ AR Development Frameworks. Vuforia (Unity) AR Toolkit (Unreal Engine)
✅ Cloud Services: Azure Web Apps. Azure Storage
I started programming since 2010 while I was studying at school, since then, the programming becomes my lovely work.
Work Terms
Here are my generic working styles.
- Communication is first, My timezone is as flexible as you want.
- Best user experience and keep pixel perfect design.
- Always not satisfied with my results and try hard to improve.
- The quality of the Code is guaranteed. (Robust and bug-free, adopt design patterns)
- Bug & issue tracking using Github, Bitbucket and so on.