A dreamer, a Do-er, a Writer - Taking pride in guaranteeing your satisfaction.
When I was a kid, my father's suicide left me with three things: a huge sense of responsibility, a strong belief that self-expression comes through writing and a die-hard, stubborn urge to be successful in everything I do.
Today I have something I didn't have then - family.
I am trying my best to provide for my beautiful baby girl and have done so in the past, with a variety of retail, bar, restaurant, marketing and admin related jobs. However, my true passion and talent lies in copy-writing. I have not, to date, written a bad article or piece of content, nor have I failed to enjoy the writing,
Having just completed a course in Digital Marketing, I am currently awaiting my results. Since I aced all my assignments, this is just a formality. Next year, I'm starting the journey towards my degree in Communication Sciences.