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  • .NET
  • Ajax
  • Application Development
  • C
  • C#
  • C++
  • CSS
  • Facebook
  • HTML
  • HTML5
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • Mobile
  • Mobile Development

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    $20/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Our team provides quality safe outsourcing services, secure processes, and top quality results for your business as web and mobile development services. We use PHP, C#, HTML/CSS, Javascript, .NET, Java,...

    .NETAjaxApplication DevelopmentCC#



Our team provides quality safe outsourcing services, secure processes, and top quality results for your business as web and mobile development services.

We use PHP, C#, HTML/CSS, Javascript, .NET, Java, C++, AJAX, HTML5, Flex, jQuery and other web programming technologies and platforms for mobile and WEB development. Since 2009 our team gained experience in web and mobile development such as: e-commerce, marketplace, auction, E learning, games, social networking, dating and travel application development. Websites, mobile, native and web apps, Facebook and other social network applications - that's what we can create for you.

Our clients benefit from having one team working on their products covering all the development aspects needed.

We don't sell services, we making solution.

Founded: 2009