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  • JavaScript
  • User Experience Design
  • .NET
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Android Development
  • Angular
  • App & Mobile Programming
  • App Development
  • Back End Development
  • Content Management Systems
  • CSS
  • Design
  • E Commerce
  • Front End Development
  • HTML5

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  • Mobile Development

    $25/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    We have a strong grip on programming languages that are most trendy for mobile application development. ✅ Programming languages: - JavaScript - Java - Swift - Dart - C# Our iOS and Android developers...

    Android DevelopmentApp & Mobile ProgrammingApp DevelopmentJavaJavaScript
  • Web Development

    $25/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    We provide all of these services along with providing analysis and daily reports. ✅ Front-end: - React Native - Flutter - React - Next Js - Angular - Vue - Dot Net - jQuery - HTML5 - CSS3/SCSS ✅ Back-end/API:...

    .NETAngularBack End DevelopmentContent Management SystemsCSS
  • Web & Mobile Design

    $25/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    ✅ Here are the main services that we offer in designing: -  UI/UX design for websites, web apps, and mobile apps - Dynamic UI prototyping - Squarespace and WordPress development - Brand identity - Marketing...

    Adobe PhotoshopDesignMobile Web DesignPrototypingUser Experience Design
  • QA & Testing

    $25/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    ✅ My Manual Testing Skills include : - Manual API Testing - Automation API on JMeter and GoLang - Load Testing - Test Case Writing - Test Scenarios Writing - Test Summary Reports - Use cases - Bug Reporting...

    Manual TestingQuality AssuranceSoftware TestingUsability Testing


Providing cutting-edge software solutions to multinational businesses & startups.

At Solution Agency Technology, we turn ideas into actual concepts. We have the expertise to deliver comprehensive software solutions that span the entire product and solution development lifecycle, from the picture, design, development, and testing to the deployment.

With our expertise in the latest software technologies, we accelerate digital transformation for our clients with cost-effective solutions and high-quality delivery on time.

What’s our mission?

At Solution Agency Technology, our mission is to help our clients get the high-quality software products and services that will allow them to overcome business challenges and help them succeed.

Our Expertise:

🔹Front-end: React.JS, React Native, Ruby, REST API, Angular, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3/SCSS

🔹Back-end/API: FB, Google API, GoogleMaps API, Firebase services

🔹Mobile Applications: Quality Assurance, App Development, Support

🔹Design: UI Design, UX Design

🔹Tools: Jira, Trello, Git, Gitlab

🔹PM Processes: Agile, Scrum

Why Choose Solution Agency Technology?

✅ Our focus is on providing value to all our clients and earning their trust that we can help them solve their problems.

✅ We deliver on time as it is the core of our agency. We believe that as an agency, we can focus on giving more than we agreed. This is why our clients take pride in working with us.

✅ Our development process includes agile methodologies. We provide regular project updates, live demos & the best communication tools to ensure that our clients will be up to date with everything.

✅ We know that quality assurance is essential for the development process. Therefore, apart from manual tests, we perform automated ones – using GitHub & more.

Thank You
Solution Agency Technology