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  • Article Writing
  • Compliance
  • Content Writing
  • English Language
  • Writing


  • Content Writing, Articles, Write ups

    $14/hr Starting at $30

    I am a post graduate in Computer Applications with rich experience in IT(Compliance) and have a good english grammer understanding. I can write good content relevant to the client's requirement.

    Article WritingComplianceContent WritingEnglish LanguageWriting


Quality write ups and content to enrich he understanding of the reader easily.

A post graduate and an IT professional, I have a rich experience in corporate. I have written number of documentation for the work I have done and it comes naturally to me to write about my experiences. I have been a blogger since I was a student and I write about any topic with ease.

Work Terms

I work for 6-8 hours and prefer to be communicated through mail. On completion of each assignment I can accept the payment in my account.

Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India