Consider me your online producer, behind the scenes, building you a STAGE to present yourself to the WORLD through social media.
I am all about customer service. Excellent customer service enhances the experience for both of us.
If I can recognize what my clients think they want, understand what they really need, and are prepared to deal with their questions and fears, half of my job is done already!
Work Terms
Website on Steroids ~ STAGED puts your brand FRONT AND CENTER on Social Media.
Unique Promotional Designer on a formatted Social Media STAGED Platform.
This formatted product enhances your already existing website or can stand alone as your primary website.
STAGING your brand puts you where everyone is looking…..around videos. As social media clicks and shares hand picked videos designed in your brand, your logos, your web site, your products and even the ability to capture emails and PAY NOW are all being clicked and shared too!
Staged puts you in front of an audience 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week. Now you have a chance to GO VIRAL!
Estimated Costs of Options Negotiable
$350 per STAGE Design/Website (includes 10 banners / logo designs to capture customers and linked to your website) 1 Stage can reach thousands even millions of people.
$75 day (3 to 7 days a week is best) to target and grow your Twitter account and create meaningful relationships with customers by reaching out, saying hello, finding something in common, making them laugh lol, PRICELESS
$45 week per STAGE to maintain STAGE & monitor Twitter/Facebook/Linkedin
Email Capture & Email Campaigns Additional Costs
Once we agree, I will send you your very own personal STAGE similar to the sample at for you to easily see my progress and pay for my services of helping you promote your goods and services with unique & creative brand recognition throughout social media.
30 to 60 days would give you a great foundation. After which I can teach you how to maintain your accounts or we can continue our working relationship.