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  • Writing
  • Book Writing
  • Fiction Writing
  • Ghostwriting
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  • Book Marketing
  • Copy Editing
  • Creative Writing
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  • Writing -- Fiction, Non-Fiction

    $125/hr Starting at $2K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I am an accomplished writer, with two books in publication and two more soon to be published. One published book is non-fiction, entitled "Labor & Employment in California," in publication by Lexis-Nexis...

    Copy EditingFiction WritingWriting
  • Writing - Legal

    $125/hr Starting at $500 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I am a law school Valedictorian, former award-winning law professor, experienced trial lawyer and author of "Labor & Employment in California," a legal practice book in publication for 20+ years and updated...

    Copy EditingFiction WritingLegalWriting
  • Memoirs - Life Story

    $125/hr Starting at $500 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I am a published fiction and non-fiction author with two memoirs or "inspired bys" soon to be published this fall (fall 2016). While some memoirs remain as such, a slice of someone's life, others transform...

    Book WritingRewritingWriting
  • Music & Entertainment

    $125/hr Starting at $500 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I'm a former music attorney, manager of Grammy-winning artists and #1 talent show winners, booker of 1000+ live shows and tours, COO/\president of Vegas Rocks Magazine & Media, and former CEO of

    Movies & Entertainment IndustryMusicWriting
  • Ghostwriting

    $125/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Amazon bestseller. Critically acclaimed author. I write in multiple genres, from biographies and memoirs to how-to books, books on cybersecurity, books on holistic health & diabetes, and all variety of...

    AmazonAuthorCopy EditingFiction WritingGhostwriting
  • World class ghostwriting and publishing.

    $150/hr Starting at $2K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    If you need a book of any kind, I can write that book and turn it into a bestseller. I also have a literary and writing agency whose members are bestsellers with over 100 books written and five million...

    BiographiesBook MarketingBook WritingCopy EditingCreative Writing


World-class Original Writer of Fiction, Non-Fiction, Memoirs, "Inspired Bys," True Crime, Copywriting, Publicity Pieces, Articles, Branding -- with Multi-Disciplinary Knowledge/Experience.

World class on every level. A master in the art of writing -- fiction, non-fiction, memoirs, articles, "inspired bys," copy and content (About pages, blogs), publicity, promotion. Also a consultant for start-ups, brands, companies seeking to rise to the next level, I bring a multi-disciplinary knowledge of law, business, and marketing to the table. On the legal side, I am a law school Valedictorian; award-winning law professor; retired/seasoned trial, music and entertainment attorney; published nonfiction legal author of employment practice book, "Labor and Employment in California;" Head of Business Affairs for multiple companies; and frequent writer / analyst on U.S. and international legal matters. On the writing side, in addition to my legal book, I am the author of critically-acclaimed fiction legal thriller, "Conflicted;" co-author of memoir in progress, "Overcoming Adversity," the story of Dr. Ken Polke... from the streets and the mafia to the NFL; co-author of "inspired by" mystery / thriller, "The Food Mafia," the fictionalized Clemmy ice cream story; author of legal thriller in progress, "IOP," a fiction legal thriller intertwining concerns of privacy with transformative drone and robot technology; author of futuristic thriller in progress, "2084," a take off of George Orwell's classic, "1984;" and author of innumerable articles from politics to music to Sharia law. On the teaching side, at several colleges I was an adjunct professor in Understanding the Music Business, American Government & Politics, Copyright, Communication Law & Ethics, Classic Ethics, and Portfolio/Career Building. I also speak regularly at seminars, conventions and gatherings of experts in the fields of law, music, writing, entertainment, employment and business. In the consulting arena, I am often engaged to advise and write about all areas of business, employment, employment law, human resources, career placement, and entertainment.

Work Terms

Preferred Compensation -- Fixed Rate. Hours - Flexible. Rate -- Negotiable.