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  • Editing

    $30/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

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    Copyediting: $25-30/hr 30/hr

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    Academic Papers: $25-30/hr 30/hr

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  • Creative Writing Services

    $70/hr Starting at $40 Ongoing

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    Fiction Lessons (genre writing, literary, realism, experimental, avant-garde): 70/hr Poetry Lessons (Free verse and prosody/meter): 70/hr Non-Fiction Lessons (Memoir): 70/hr Manuscript evaluation (short...

    Book ReviewContent WritingCreativeCreative WritingEditing


S.O. Creative: Fast and efficient freelance editing, writing, and creative writing instruction services. I can do anything you want for a fair, competitive price.

I am a published writer, editor, and teacher who has worked on multiple literary magazines in almost every capacity, and also as a technical writer at ICF International for contracts valued from $500K to $25M.

My short fiction and poetry have been published in The Notre Dame Review, Typehouse Literary Magazine, Flatmancrooked’s Slim Volume of Contemporary Poetics, The Bend, and elsewhere. I’ve received four awards for my short stories, poetry, and non-fiction, and I am a recipient of the Sparks Fellowship and a Full Tuition Scholarship at Notre Dame University, the Karen Lee Warmdahl Scholarship at Sacramento State, and the Graduate Full Tuition Benefit at the University of Utah. I have designed and taught classes at the undergraduate level for four years at the University of Utah, a large research university, and for my online businesses, Your Editor and S.O. Creative Writing Services. I served as managing editor at The Notre Dame Review, and have worked on multiple literary magazines, including co-founding and serving as executive editor of mixer publishing, a hybrid genre literary magazine and boutique book publisher.

My teaching experience spans undergraduate composition, literature, and creative writing classes in fiction, poetry, and nonfiction. While I consider myself a fiction writer, I have also published poems and non-fiction, and I excel at teaching non-fiction and poetry, too; in fact, in addition to free verse and prose poetry, I have taught students prosody and metered forms like sonnets and villanelles. With fiction, I have taught realism, fabulism, the avant-garde, and postmodernism.

I am a PhD candidate in literature and creative writing at University of Utah, and I hold the M.F.A. in prose from Notre Dame University, the M.A. in literature from Sacramento State, and the BA in literature and philosophy from Sacramento State.

Work Terms

$30/hr, with discounts for non-profits. Contact me at 858-848-6319/

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