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  • .NET
  • Book Layout
  • Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Logo Design
  • Magazine
  • Wedding Albums


  • Graphic Designer

    $10/hr Starting at $40


    .NETBook LayoutDesignGraphic DesignHTTPS


No, bla! bla! bla!......! Only Outcome!

My name is Subair and I am a Graphic Designer, I have 10 years of relevant experience as a Graphic Designer, I have proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite: photoshop, illustrator and InDesign, and other emerging presentation platforms.

Specialized in both print and digital media design and I am able to offer creative solutions for a variety of media helping to promote your business to potential clients using targeted, high quality graphic design.

Create contemporary and professional materials through design approach and attention to detail, as well as being to think creatively and outside the box when the situation demands

Subair Kanathel
Subair Kanathel
Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates