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  • .NET
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Android
  • Android SDK
  • AngularJS
  • Consultant
  • CSS
  • E-Commerce
  • HTML
  • HTML5
  • iOS
  • Java
  • JavaScript

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  • Consultant CTO |Hardcore Coder&Designer

    $9/hr Starting at $25

    I’m Sumit Deshpande, technology expert & startup technology consultant with more 10 years of total experience. I had worked with more than 18 startups in last 4 years which gave me wide experience in...

    .NETAdobe IllustratorAdobe PhotoshopAmazon Web ServicesAndroid


Consultant CTO | Startup Technology Specialist | Hardcore Coder & Designer

I have a serious interest in building things which come out of necessity, making life easier. Things which change the way audience is working.
I have acquired all the skills required to do so. Skills which are crucial to build applications from scratch to the extent of team's vision.

I have established technical front of startups right from health care to R&D centers, from the Real estate to internet. I have been the technology partner to 12 startups in last 3 years. Looking after entire technical side for them.
Startups based in Pune, Mumbai, Delhi, Hamburg, London & SriLanka.

I'm looking for a startup where I can build things beyond the mark of teams vision, things which will change the way people are working now.

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Sumit Deshpande
Sumit Deshpande
PUNE, Maharashtra, India