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    Syed is a rare person. He is professional with great abilities. But also, he will stick with you through the problem until solution is found. Apparently, he worked more than expected on the project, but it was me who offered to pay him extra. So, he is also very humble. Thank you!

    Dror S

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    Syed, the leader of the feels, ruler of the data centers has converted pizza and soda to chill Kat code development in record time and way under budget. A awesome guy and a true professional

    R. Tylor

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    Syed Naeem has been working with me since 1 year now. For all this time, i have found him as a highly skilled professional who was able to solve some really complicated code issues. He always went an extra mile to get the things done. He never charges me extra time and works 100% honesty. I recommen

    d him for his CodeIgniter, Wordpress and Server Related issues skills. Much Glad to Work with him and will hire him again for other jobs. Highly Recommended Developer.

     ...Read More


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    Syed is the Python, Code Igniter Super-Hero and a true professional. We highly recommend him for any development project

    Richard P

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    Syed is the master at problem solving and code development

    David Y