Freelancer Virtual Assistant
I'm looking for a part time job as a Virtual Assistant. My experiences on my current and previous works can help me to perform all the assigned jobs. I know how to do the following tasks;
Handling Emails
Can answer customer inquiries
Computer literate
Can use and familiar with different Social Media accounts
Clerical works
This is my first time to apply as a Virtual Assistant, I can do Administrative tasks like Internet Research, Generating and Organizing Leads and have Excellent English Language Comprehension.
Also, I can also do a ​basic task like; Data Entry with the use of Google Docs and Spreadsheets, Manage Dropbox, Google Drive and Google Calendar, Set Appointments with internal/external clients through E-mails.
Lastly, I have strong Customer Service skills. I also know how to create Sales Reports, Inventory Reports and more
I am a Team player, Hardworking, Fast Learner, Exciting to work with, Passionate and Eager to learn new things. I can communicate well in the English Language to assure Good Service.
I can be very useful in your team since my main objective to my clients is to give an Outstanding Results, Long Term Relationship, Professionalism, and Leave them 100% Satisfied with my work.
Work Terms
I can work 20-30 hours a week. You can reach me via FB PM, email and IG DM. For payments, I will send you my PayPal or bank account.