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  • APA Style
  • Chicago Style
  • Content Development
  • Copyediting
  • Editing
  • Formatting
  • Grant Writing
  • Latex
  • Medical
  • Medical Terminology
  • MLA Style
  • Nursing
  • Proposal Writing
  • Research
  • Teachable

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  • Copy Editor and Technical Writer

    $35/hr Starting at $100 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Technical writing involves writing to instruct, educate or persuade. My writing and editing skills can be used in many genres, including technical papers, grant proposals, thesis and dissertations, websites...

    APA StyleChicago StyleContent DevelopmentCopyeditingEditing


You do the writing, I'll do the worrying...

I am a nurse who has always loved to write. I wrote my first short story in the third grade. It was about a kitten trapped under a porch, awaiting rescue in a beam of sunlight streaming in through a crack in the floor above.
I know that when people write, they want the words to flow freely from their mind and onto the page, without the muzzle of concern over grammar, spelling or syntax. The writer lets the story or information unfold, and I come along later to refine, clarify, and make the document, manuscript or proposal readable and complete.
I have experience editing and writing in various genres and with many different professionals. I am easy to work with, and I will listen carefully to your goals and concerns.
My medical background, along with my life experience and education, make me the ideal partner to help you with your writing project.

Work Terms

I have flexible hours and can complete projects quickly with clear direction and guidelines. I prefer email as an initial contact.