Over the past 11 years i have encountered various platforms and projects that needed to be completed.
95% of the time you need more to a project than just php development and knowing your way around the framework so that's why I also had the chance to do:
- implementation from photoshop (+ css html)
- server setup on various hosting providers (byte, linode, lunarpages, amazon, azure, etc) and in-house servers
- server maintenance: keeping packages up to date, switching through versions of php, analyzing the high loads, cronjobs, alerts when disk space is too low, etc
- plain javascript , jquery (also ui, mobile), mootools, bootstrap, requirejs, nodejs
- database import/export, optimizations , recovery and maintenance
- daily backup implementations (with amazon s3) for both files and databases
- migration of data from one platform to the other
- statistics, data analysis, had to build report tools with charts etc
- find infected code in various platforms (wordpress, magento1) , clean the code and find the cause that lead to infection + apply fixes
- etc