all Back Office Job; data entry, internet search, billing, logo design; video editing
TAPAS KUMAR GHANTA,Permanent Address: - Vill-Gouranga Chak, P.O.- Baishnab Chak, Dist-Purba Medinipur,E-Mail-Id: &;Contact No: 8972453777
To Learn & Contribute significantly in the computer industry.
One year Diploma course in Computer Application from Newman’s Computer Center, Kolkata.
Two years Diploma in Computer Application from CMC, Park Street, Kolkata.
MCA (Appeared).
Hardware & Networking from Hardcore (Appeared).
Madhyamik Examination in the year of 1988.
H.S. Examination in the year of 1990.
Passed B.Com Examination in the year of 1992.
2 year as a Computer Teacher of Krishnachandra Pur High School, South 24pgs.Job Profile: - Teaching Dos, Logo, GW Basic, BBC Basic, C and C++.
4 years as a Computer Operator of Trinath Engineering Works, Kolkata.
Job Profile: - Billing, Ms Office, Scanning, Internet & Hardware & Networking Maintenance Engineer and all Back Office Jobs.
6 months as a Computer Teacher (Part-Time) of St. Thomas School, Kolkata.
Job Profile: - Teaching Dos, Logo, GW Basic, C, C++.
3 years as a Computer Teacher in a Computer Center. Job Profile: - Teaching Dos, Logo, Ms Office, Scanning, Internet, C, C++, UNIX & Hardware & Networking Maintenance Engineer and all Back Office Jobs.
3 years employed as System Administrator, Warranty in Charge, Hardware & Networking Maintenance Engineer of Garodia Distributors Pvt. Ltd. (A Tata Motors Authorised Service Center).Job Profile: Operation of Diagnostic Software SAP and CRM-DMS (Customer Relation Management and Director Management System) also Warranty, Billing, Customer Complain, Spare Parts Management & Windows and MS Office related any problem and all Back Office Jobs.all Back Office Job; such as data entry, internet search, billing, logo design; video editing
Work Terms
20 hours /week