fulltime,anytime,robust and easy maintainable code before deadline,long term believable.
Hello, I am senior software developer / Node.js / Angular.js / Pure Javascript engineer with extensive background in single-page web applications and HTML5 Games.
I have over 10 years experience in developing web applications using Javascript.
I have extensive experience in the development of fast and smooth web interfaces and fast and smooth server-side code with huge caching logic.
Some of my portfolio projects (see in portfolio section):
* MMORTS strategy game The Fate of Nations (ios, facebook, vk and web integration, 100% my code client-side, server-side and database, and some UI design)
* Game of Purpose (facebook and web integration, 100% my code client-side, server-side and database, and some UI design)
* Project management system Birdviewprojects (only client-side code)
* Simple HTML5 canvas games
Area of my development:
* Node.js - Socket.io, Express, Grunt, Gulp, Mongoose, Passport
* Databases - MySQL, MongoDB
* Javascript - Angular, D3, Phaser, Pixi, CreateJS, TypeScript, Phantom/Casper, React
* HTML5 - HAML (Node.js parser), Canvas 2D, Audio API, Video API
* CSS3 - Twitter Bootstrap, less, transitions, animations, responsive markup
* Testing - E2E, Protractor, Jasmine
* Graphics - Adobe Photoshop CS5 (export for web, modifying existing source and some design skills), 3D Studio Max (rendering, shadows, materials)
* CVS - Git (github, bitbucket), SVN
* PHP - have 5 years of experience, but not interested in this area now
* Social Media Integration - Facebook API, Vkontakte API, Xsolla, Twitter, payments integration, MRAID, Heyzap
* Amazon Web Services - EC2, Route 53, SES, SNS...
* Administration - maintain web servers and setup web/php/node.js environment
I am waiting for you! Just write me!
Work Terms
Both of full-time and part-time developer.
Skype, Slack, Google Hangout, Phone, Email.