I want to work with you on creating the perfect website. I will create a site for you from scratch or help you utilize a service like Wix - whichever you prefer.
After graduating high school in Salem, VA, I quickly realized that chasing my dreams of being a professional musician were not quite as appealing as I had once thought they were. I completed a year of school at VCU in Richmond and made the decision to pump the brakes and begin working full time until I could decide where to focus my energy in regard to higher education.
Jump to over a decade later and I decided that programming, computing and web design were all things that I had become passionate about. I had landed in Grand Rapids, MI by this point and enrolled in school at Grand Valley State University. I received my degree in Information Systems with a minor in Business this past December.
I have work experience in a number of areas - please note that my resume is available via PDF on my website linked on this profile. I have years of customer service experience, both in the IT and manufacturing fields, as well as years of experience working with computers in various forms. I completed an internship for a local managed service provider and I was required to perform tasks related to help-desk and field technician work. This ranged from web site and application maintenance to on-site service and network troubleshooting.
In addition to web design and computing, music, photography and running are all close runners-up to being my favorite way to pass the time. I now currently live and operate on the coast of West Michigan and love to spend the days hiking the dunes or running a new trail through the woods.
I am committed to providing you top-notch service in an efficient and time sensitive manner. Helping people bring their ideas to life is something I gain a lot of satisfaction from and I always look forward to working with new people. I'm a great communicator and will always make sure to serve your needs to the absolute best of my ability.
Shoot me a message and let me know what you're looking for!
Work Terms
Right now I am available to work on web design exclusively which means that I do currently have a large amount of time to focus on freelance projects.
Upon agreement to work together, I am flexible as to how you would like to arrange payment, etc. I prefer to start by setting up a timeline and defining the scope of the project and going from there. Longer and more detailed projects may require more 'checkpoints' along the way at which I may request some type of payment to be arranged, however, that will likely not always be the case. Smaller projects may be able to completed very quickly in which case we can arrange a payment-on-delivery situation.
In general, website and design work will be charged at $25/hour and I do require a minimum of a $75 project.
Social media and website maintenance will need to be addressed on a situational basis depending on the needs of the client and the nature of the work. The price will fluctuate depending on the scale of the maintenance or frequency of the social media posts.
If your project is larger in scale and detail I may ask that we work out more of a flat-rate situation. For instance, if you would like a site built from scratch, a logo designed for your site as well as extra services such as continuous maintenance, etc, it may make more sense to approach things outside of an hourly rate.
The best place to reach me with any and all questions is at: taylor.john.rhodes@gmail.com