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  • .NET
  • C#
  • 2D Graphics
  • 3D Graphics
  • Android
  • Android Development
  • C
  • C++
  • CSS
  • Entity Framework
  • Game Development
  • GUI Development
  • HTML

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  • Application Development

    $50/hr Starting at $700 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I'm a freelance software developer who specializes in creating computer games and multimedia applications. I take great pride in my work, and only deliver the highest quality results. I have a very strong...

    .NETAndroidAndroid DevelopmentCC#
  • Web Programming

    $50/hr Starting at $700 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I'm a freelance software developer who specializes in creating computer games and multimedia applications. I take great pride in my work, and only deliver the highest quality results. I have a very strong...

  • Game Development

    $50/hr Starting at $700 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I'm a freelance software developer who specializes in creating computer games and multimedia applications. I take great pride in my work, and only deliver the highest quality results. I have a very strong...

    .NET2D Graphics3D GraphicsC#Game Development


"Building rockin' apps, since 2003."

I'm a freelance software developer who specializes in creating computer games and multimedia applications.
I take great pride in my work, and only deliver the highest quality results. I have a very strong work ethic, and an equally strong commitment to providing the best customer service.

Work Terms

--- Terms and Conditions ( Current as of 12/18/2016 ) ---

My rates are as follows:


* Minimum engagement for all first time clients is $700.

* For fixed price work, I require an upfront payment of 50% in order to start work. This is per milestone or per project, which ever we've agreed upon.

* Once the work has been completed, and the remaining balance paid in full, I'll release all source code and assets over to you.

* Upon completion and release of the agreed work, I will provide bug fixes, at no cost, for up to 45 days. Note that this only applies to my original, unmodified source code. If code has been modified in anyway, or new libraries have been linked in, I'll charge at my standard hourly rate. This will be decided on a per case basis.