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  • International
  • Radio
  • Security
  • Software Design
  • Wireless


  • Web Programming

    $25/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

     Improved WMS software system functionality 10% by identifying and removing defects in each build cycle.  Implemented a website launch for an international cultural organization gaining over 20,000...

    InternationalRadioSecuritySoftware DesignWireless
  • Database Design

    $25/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

     Improved WMS software system functionality 10% by identifying and removing defects in each build cycle.  Implemented a website launch for an international cultural organization gaining over 20,000...

    InternationalRadioSecuritySoftware DesignWireless
  • IT Training

    $25/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

     Improved WMS software system functionality 10% by identifying and removing defects in each build cycle.  Implemented a website launch for an international cultural organization gaining over 20,000...

    InternationalRadioSecuritySoftware DesignWireless
  • Database Administration

    $25/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

     Improved WMS software system functionality 10% by identifying and removing defects in each build cycle.  Implemented a website launch for an international cultural organization gaining over 20,000...

    InternationalRadioSecuritySoftware DesignWireless