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  • Writing
  • Engineering
  • Article Writing
  • Electronics
  • Grant Writing
  • Patents
  • Adobe AIR
  • Analog Circuit Design
  • Automotive Engineering
  • Basic
  • Blog Writing
  • Business Planning
  • Career Development
  • cnm
  • Contracts

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  • Electrical lighting solar power analog

    $100/hr Starting at $500 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Power Electronics skills for efficient and reliable design including power stage and stable, closed feedback loop. Magnetics (inductors, transformers, filters) designed and built. LED lighting from...

    Adobe AIRAnalog Circuit DesignArticle WritingContractsDesign
  • Articles and blogs from $40-$125/hour

    $75/hr Starting at $300 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I write material that portrays the value. I also write detailed patents, grants, business plans, and application notes. The more detail (patent) and knowledge (engineering and grants), the higher the...

    Article WritingAutomotive EngineeringBasicBlog WritingBusiness Planning
  • Patent Writing

    $125/hr Starting at $500 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I have been successful at putting many disclosures into words as well as creating the figure development file for an illustrator. I also search and edit patents. I am studying to become a patent engineer...

  • Video production

    $75/hr Starting at $600 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I have written, directed, acted in, edited, and produced many videos. Some were documentaries and others were commercials for the Doritos Super Bowl contest. I also produced crowdfunding videos for...

    cnmCrowdsourcingDocumentaryHTTPSSales Channel Development


Company directed by a native English speaking techy who can talk and describe complex subjects in easy terms. Patent and grant writer, electrical engineer, blogger, and marketer.

- 30 years as an application engineer writing mostly about semiconductor electronics in articles, application notes, and conference papers for the IEEE
- patent writer with 2 years experience. Also perform searches and edits. Studying to become a Patent Agent
- pride myself on being able to write for any audience from children to CEOs and professors
- Marketer who identifies product value and emphasizes it. I measure my statements with a marketing analysis tool and "tweak" them for high ranking emotional value based on the market.
- won an Air Force SBIR (Small Business Innovative Research) grant for a client. Contributed to others as well as working with the EPA on the development of standards.

Founded: 1996

Work Terms

Rates vary from $40 to $125 per hour based on the complexity of the writing and the amount of detail (patents) and knowledge (engineering and grants) required. I have written and edited work from children's books to complex patents.
Note that I am a full time freelancer and not working as a side gig to a career unlike many others. Therefore, I can prioritize your work as I set my own schedule. This allows me to turn work quickly.

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