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    Crommelin has been working for over 12 years to identify and establish distribution and other working relationships for our products in India. India is now our largest export market. Paresh has been providing me with specific industry-focused advice for most of this time. He has been able to provide

    research, detailed analysis, pre-qualify potential partners and arrange discussions. The most valuable aspect of Paresh’s assistance has been the more subjective advice based on an intimate understanding of Indian styles of business and thinking. This has made all the difference. I continue to revert to Paresh for his assistance and invaluable advice on an on-going basis. Anyone considering engaging Paresh is welcome to contact me directly to discuss any aspects of the above experience I have had in further detail.

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    Peter Crommelin, Crommelin Australia

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    ‘For nearly a decade, Technowerk has provided us exemplary typesetting, web and data services. I offer this company the highest of recommendations.’

    Dr Bill Cope Research Professor - Univ of Illinois

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    “Paresh Shah and I served together as area directors at Common Ground Publishing, an innovative publishing, conferencing, and educational media firm, with its own in-house software development team. During that time, Paresh Shah also served as the Chief Executive of Techno Werk, which provided servi

    ces to Common Ground. I have found Paresh to be an intelligent and dynamic business leader and an effective manager. His team has demonstrated skill in technical publishing processes. They have consistently demonstrated professionalism in their work.”

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    Dr. Kelly Searsmith, Director of Research and Deve