For all kinds of quality content writing/development services in English Textpart#Sara is ur 1 stop solution with most affordable rates, ontime delivery and customized service plans for you.
Powerful thoughts when delivered by power-packed words can ignite millions of minds. A Big Hi! and a warm Namaste !, to all my clients, prospective clients and lovely readers there. My name is Sarashi Chakraborty, and I am a corporate commercial lawyer by profession. I hold a common law degree with Hons. in law from one of the most prestigious and popular universities of India. I have over a decade of full time work experience in corporates, but nevertheless I am also a part time but dedicated content writer/developer. I have written various SEO approved highly marketable contents for my clients. I have also written several articles in prestigious law and management magazines. I also experience in reading out self composed papers in several international conferences held by organizations like World Aqua Congress, and Indian Institute of Technology ( IIT) Kharagpur.
My mission is to dedicate my writing skills in development of quality and structured articles, contents, books, adds etc. for my clients, in most affordable price, littered by SEO approved key words to support my clients' business and/or marketing requirements.
I am also dedicated to develop creative contents for my clients who are more focused towards articles and/ or book contents for information or pleasure reading purpose.
Five years down the line from today, I plan to take up content writing and blogging coupled with travell photography as my full time profession.
I also plan to launch and grow my content development company professionaly.
Dear clients, prospective clients and lovely readers without your support the above said journey cannot be accomplished. So are you ready to join my journey and experience the most mutually profitable professional relationship ?
Yappie !, I hear a yes from you. So what are you waiting for let us charge towards creating a win win writing solution for you, togather, activating millions of minds.
Work Terms
Delivery timeline:
Dear clients,prospective clients, and my lovely readers please note that for any assignment that you hire me, I try my best to deliver the same within 24 to 48 hours from the confirmation of the acceptance of the assignment. Generally, I do not prefer to work on Sundays, but in case you need a piece of content to be developed or schemed or delivered to you on Sunday, you can hire me with a few extra bucks.
Below is my writing fees schedule:
20 USD per hour of writing for contents more than 350 words and upto 2000 words;
35 USD per hour of writing for a single project/assignment where content exceeds more than 2000 words and upto 4000 words;
50 USD per hour of writing for a single project/assignment where content exceeds more than 4000 words but and upto 7000 words;
12 USD per hour of writing for a single assignment less upto 350 words.
Prefered mode of communication :
You may contact me for any assignment of discussion related to any assignment through this website by sending me a message.
Preffered mode of communication: Please note that I provide content writing and development services in English language and my preferred mode of communication is in English language.
If you are somehow not satisfied with the content that I develop for you or your your assignment feel free to get back to me for a complete free rework or partial rework for a couple of time. Rework for 2 times per assignment is completely free. I believe your satisfaction is my greatest reward.
Other terms:
Upon your placement of the proposal for content writing services I would prove you with 30 to 50 words summery upon your topic, which shall indicate my acceptance and you need to transfer 60 % of the payment. Rest 40% you require to pay with 24 hrs of the delivery of the content.