Your ideas, my writing. Let's write a book today.
The Ghost Writer is Jonathan Williams, an experienced writer who loves helping others find their own voice and put their own ideas on paper. Besides having a Master's degree in English, Jonathan has written numerous manuals, newspaper articles, marketing pieces, advertising copy, children's stories, proposals, and so on. The Ghost Writer loves to write and to help others write better.
Eight out of ten Americans say they want to write a book someday. But how many ever end up doing it? Very few. But that can change.
By hiring a ghost writer, you can get the guidance you need to write your book. As The Ghost Writer, I help my clients tell their stories, whether these stories are personal, professional, or imaginative. And once your book is written, The Ghost Writer doesn't stop there, I will help you get it into print.
With a book credit next to your name, doors that were once closed will now be open. Authoring a book gives you credibility you can get no other way. You will join celebrities, presidents, professors, and best-selling writers in an elite group: book author.
Work Terms
Hours of operation: M-F; 9-5
Minimum job size: two hours or $130
Full length book: $3000 retainer, hourly after that
Small book/project: $1500 retainer, hourly after that
Manuscript review: $.02/word