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  • Digital Painting
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Anime
  • Digital Illustration
  • Sai
  • Art
  • Concept Art
  • Semi Realism


  • Digital Illustratons

    $15/hr Starting at $60 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource


    Adobe PhotoshopAnimeArtConcept ArtDigital Illustration
  • Anime and Semi Realisim

    $15/hr Starting at $30 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    My expertise with spans over 5 years. My work has sold at Otakon the biggest anime convention on the east coast in the United States in 2012 and 2013. I have also attended Katuscon, Small Press Expo,...

    Adobe PhotoshopAnimeDigital IllustrationDigital PaintingSai


An empty canvas is full of potential.

Hello! I'm Tiffany Corbin, a freelance Illustrator from Rockville, Maryland. When I first started out in 2008 I was selling my work at Starbucks Avant Grande and doing a mural for a pediatric center in Shady Grove. But what I really want to do is to create worlds and characters for others that have an awesome idea and want to turn it in to something tangible to share with the rest of the world!

That's where I come in. My skills are strongest with Adobe Creative Suite CS5, Paint Tool SAI and traditional media if you are so inclined. My style is a melange of east meets west with some of my inspiration coming from Stanley Lau, Wenquing Yan and Yue Wang.

Work Terms

Serious inquiries are encouraged.

Turnaround for one Illustration depending on complexity may take up to 2 1/2 weeks. I only accept payments through Paypal. Half of the payment and a signed contract is due before I start the project. I prefer communication through email at If you prefer Skype or phone please notify me so I can give you the proper information on what times you may contact me since I may have several projects in the works at the same time.