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  • Article Writing
  • Biotechnology
  • Chinese Language
  • English Language
  • Language Translation
  • Medical
  • Patents


  • Translation-Chinese/English

    $10/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I am a freelance translator who specializes mostly in patents in medical, semiconductors, biotechnology field and articles from medical/biotechnology journals. I have more than 10 years of experience...

    Article WritingBiotechnologyChinese LanguageEnglish LanguageLanguage Translation


Chinese/English translator

Hi, I'm a Native Chinese Translator (Chinese to English and vice versa) with more than 10 years of experience. I have an extensive experience in various technical domains, particularly in patent documents including semiconductors, medicals, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, etc. I also have experience for other types of translations such as websites, surveys, CVs, newsletter, marketing materials, and etc. I see myself as a dedicated, specialised and professional translator who provides quality work while respecting deadlines. I value communication and work closely with my clients to meet their requirement.