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  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Design
  • Drawing
  • Graphic Design
  • Illustration
  • Ms Powerpoint
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Advertising
  • Architects
  • Book Writing
  • Brochure Design
  • Hotel Industry
  • Mobile Development
  • Adobe Muse

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  • Print Graphic Design

    $30/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Clean design and balance are 2 key elements for my work. Minimalism and simplistic, contemporary stylizations are the influencers of my design style. The scope of my work entails: My professional printed...

    Adobe IllustratorAdobe InDesignAdobe MuseAdobe PhotoshopAdvertising
  • Digital Graphic Design

    $30/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Time management and attention to detail is essential to me when approaching any freelance digital design project. The scope of my work entails: My professional digital design experience entail clients...

    Adobe PhotoshopAdvertisingBook Cover DesignBook WritingBrochure Design
  • Presentation Design

    $30/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Keeping audiences visually engaged with a modern, bold well-designed presentation is the overall goal of my presentation design approach. My professional printed design experience entail clients such...

    Adobe PhotoshopArchitectsDesignHotel IndustryMobile Development
  • Illustrations

    $30/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    The genesis of my illustrations and drawings derive from an abstract subjective view of the colorful world that we live in. The scope of my work entails: - T-Shirt Design - Flier Graphics - Children's...

    Adobe InDesignAdobe PhotoshopBook IllustrationBook WritingColor Design


Sculpture was the focus for my Art & Design studies at Georgia State University. I received my B.A. in 2013 then immediately decided to pursue my interest in graphic design.

My professional background consist of more than 5 years of experience within the social media/graphic design field. My professional social media manager history include positions such as: Media Coordinator for The Bill Lowe Gallery and District 6’s Senator, Lucy McBath. My Professional Graphic Design experience includes AD Designer for KingSpan, Brochure Designer for Red House Architects, and Presentation Designer at IMG Live.

I've work with organizations such Georgia Tech, University of Georgia, and Nichiha on PowerPoint Presentation design and development.

• Exceptional email branding/campaigns skills
• Strong Creative Suite & Dreamweaver skills
• Swift Mac navigation skills
• Strong HTML5 and CSS3 hand-coding experience
• Does have home studio with full Creative Suite and can bring Mac Book Pro or iPad onto client site
• Experience in both agency and corporate environments
• Keen design eye and attentive to small details
• 5 years in Brand Execution
• Self motivated and exceptional self management skills; needs little direction

Work Terms

Hours of operation: 24 hours

Preferred communication: Email is preferred, I typically respond within the 6 hours of your inquiries.