The listing that says I've earned $0 is only true of the recent past. I've earned about $30K using 200+ 400 word nf articles, 61 book summaries, 5 books and mini-books.
Book writing
Ghost writing
You may contract full solutions to fulfill a book need. $10K to cover every pre-publication aspect of book creation.
Partial solutions: You may contract editing, or ghost writing portions of text at a different fee.
Long term contracts: If you have a large set of book related solutions, i.e. books to go with course materials or a series of books you can establish a relationship based upon a '100,000 word' contract-rate.
Articles: Magazine, online, print media or both, newletters: work may be contracted by the piece or you may order a commitment for a # of issues of the publication. These can be described as 'a year long, 6 issue' contract, or by the number of words: Magazine X orders 30,000 @ $0.3/word = $9000. These words to be applied to multiple articles as needed by the magazine during the year long contract.
Of course you may all order by the piece: ex: 1500 on law
Work Terms
Employers must be willing to disclose the name of their company and permit me to use them as a reference on future resumes, although NDAs are entirely acceptable. There must be some type of negotiation about permitting me to use some of the work as writing samples in future portfolios. I prefer to receive an advance but never of more than 50%.
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