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  • App Development
  • Apple
  • Cocoa Touch
  • Framework Design
  • iOS
  • Mobile Development
  • Objective-C
  • Software Development
  • Swift
  • Swift Programming
  • Xcode


  • iOS Developer

    $25/hr Starting at $100 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I'm a passionate software developer who's been working on iOS Apps for over 4 years. I'm offering any and all services related to iOS development from simple bug-fixing to developing whole Apps. Clean,...

    App DevelopmentAppleCocoa TouchFramework DesigniOS


Clean, Robust, Precise.

I'm a passionate software developer who's been working on iOS Apps for a few years now. During those years I've more or less covered all of the major parts of Apple's frameworks. Additionally I've become fairly proficient in smaller daily UI/UX tasks.

I am a bit of a clean code nerd, always analysing and improving my code, trying to make it more readable and reusable. In the past few years Reactive(Swift) and MVVM were my main focus.

Work Terms

Not looking for fast paced work with neck-breaking short sprints.