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  • Google Ranking
  • iPad
  • Mobile
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Search Engine Ranking
  • SEM
  • SEO
  • Web Hosting
  • Website Content
  • Website Design
  • Website Development


  • Search Engine Ranking (SER)

    $8/hr Starting at $1K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Forget SEO, SEM and other outdated methodologies for getting your website ranked: at USCodePros we use our cutting edge networking-building techniques and powerful existing infrastructure to get you highly...

    Google RankingSearch Engine OptimizationSearch Engine RankingSEMSEO
  • Multi-Platform Website Creation/Hosting

    $5/hr Starting at $59 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Want to have a perfect PC, tablet and mobile viewing experience with your website? Our BizNearMe Web Hosting platform gives users a perfectly personalized 3-in-1 website that can be modified easily between...

    iPadMobileWeb HostingWebsite ContentWebsite Design


Web Solutions & Marketing For The 21st Century...and Beyond!

So you want to establish an effective business presence in your local market. The challenge is how to accomplish this without spending too much of your valuable time and money. For nearly twenty years now, USCodePros has helped a variety of companies and individuals get their web design, hosting and marketing needs taken care of. Nobody is as comprehensive as we are, and we have the deliverables to prove it!

To put it another way, we have a suite of solutions tailored to drive business to your door, including traditional SEO and our groundbreaking Search Ranking Implementation system that builds you a network of fresh content and backlinks that will last you FOREVER. We built these solutions specifically so you can stop wasting your time and money on advertising strategies that don’t deliver.

Want to ensure your offers are shown locally and in Facebook? Don’t have a Facebook page for your company? We’ve got that covered and your Facebook page updates automatically as well.

Once you are online, what are your customers saying about you? Wouldn’t it be nice if you could monitor your social reputation across all of these services? That’s included as well in our core program.

After you are established and you want to take it to the next level, we will show you how our suite of advertising services can drive business to your door even more rapidly. And every service we deliver comes with built in measurement and analysis. Our motto is: “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.”

Unlike traditional SEO companies and marketing agencies, we bridge the gap between a strong online presence and the millions of businesses that don’t have it. Through concise and specific methodologies and proprietary technologies, we deliver measurable results in a much shorter timeframe than traditional SEO.

So if you are tired of being invisible, need more customers and want to stand out from the crowd...we are here to help.

D. Baker
800-652-9157 x102

Founded: 1997

Work Terms

Our website for our BizNearMe set of solutions ( has all of our main pricing information and more details about the basic packages we offer as well. We're available Monday through Friday via phone, and having a ticketing server set up for any questions or concerns that arise over the weekend as well.

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