Azure Cloud Architect. I design scalable, testable cloud applications with CQRS, EventSourcing, DDD, TDD. Usability maniac
I have 9+ years’ experience in software development.
I specialize in designing and implementing scalable web applications such as social networks, e-commerce systems, help desk, billing systems, transport tracking, backends for mobile apps, etc.
Some of software I designed and developed is government-compliant, used in top companies, research instutes.
My last solutions are based on Azure Cloud utilizing RESTful API, C#, F#, CQRS, Event Sourcing, DDD, TDD, NoSQL, Lucene.NET, ServiceBus, SignalR, Audio/Video Streaming, Push Notifications, ASP.NET MVC, WebAPI, javascript, AngularJS, AJAX , etc.
I design applications to be perfectly testable. I use: unit tests, integration tests, load tests.
I also have experience in working in a big distributed international team.
583 PRO: Designing and Developing Windows Azure Applications
513 TS: Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4
516 TS: Accessing Data with Microsoft .NET Framework 4
562 TS: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, ASP.NET Application Development
Brainbench JavaScript 1.8