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  • Article Writing
  • App Development
  • Article Editing
  • Article Rewriting
  • Branding
  • Content Editing
  • Copy Typing
  • Copywriting
  • Data Entry
  • English Language
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Off-Page SEO
  • Online Reputation Management
  • On-Page SEO

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  • digital marketing services

    $10/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    A digital marketer with 2 years experience in SEO, PPC, Brand Reputation Management, App Store optimization with Hands-on experience of SEMrush, Ahref, Rankwatch and Many more.

    App DevelopmentArticle EditingArticle RewritingArticle WritingBranding
  • article writing

    $8/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I have apt experience of article writing. I have fluent English and good command over the English language. I am comfortable in any type of article writing.

    Article WritingEnglish LanguageOff-Page SEOOn-Page SEOWriting


My motto: spread the word about your product in digital space like fire and give it limelight for continuous success.

I help my clients in developing, implementing and managing marketing campaigns that promote their company and their products and services. I help my clients in enhancing their brand awareness within the digital space as well as driving website traffic and acquiring leads/ customers.
I identify and evaluates new digital technologies and uses Web analytics tools to measure site traffic to better optimize marketing campaigns, email marketing, social media and display and search advertising.
I have strong writing skills, to effectively communicate your brand’s message, and data analysis skills, to extract value from reporting tools.
As a digital marketer, I recognize the fact that digital space is ever changing and try to think like consumers so that I can reach the target audience for your product.
I have done my bachelors in technology and I have 2 years experience in digital marketing field. I am currently working for Ispecia Technologies.
I love reading and writing. So, I also have apt experience in content and article writing and editing.
I have helped many clients in improving their brand awareness. Let me put my experience to your work. Contact me Today.