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  • Article Writing
  • Audio Post Production
  • Content Writing
  • English Language
  • English Teaching
  • Essay Writing
  • Research
  • Structural Engineering
  • Teaching
  • Voice-Overs
  • Writing


  • Quality content writer

    $25/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I have been writing articles, journals, essays and content with research for over 20 years. I am a qualified English language teacher and hold a degree in English Literature as well as a diploma in Applied...

    Article WritingContent WritingEssay WritingResearchWriting
  • Narration for Audio tracks

    $20/hr Starting at $50 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I have many years of experience of narration for audio tracks.My voice is clear and very understandable and I have a very neutral Canadian accent. Being an English teacher for over 25 years has given...

    Audio Post ProductionEnglish LanguageEnglish TeachingStructural EngineeringTeaching


Excellence comes from a desire to maintain and build one's reputation;quality follows naturally.

Working in the field of teaching English has given me ample opportunities to not only write but to also read a plethora of articles on almost every subject under the moon. This experience has provided me with the ability to do research in a scrupulous and detailed manner. Through my research I am able to write on almost any theme with authority, by citing experts and persuasively eliminating common misconceptions.
As an on-line English teacher I realise that my voice is my most valued asset. I need to use it to fully engage my students. Although I have a North American accent, having spent the last 25 years living in various countries has given me a very neutral, clear and understandable accent.

Work Terms

I have a very flexible schedule and am available to dedicate 20 hours per week minimum to projects that I accept.
I believe in excellence and quality and will not accept any project that I feel unqualified to perform.