Jul 11, 2006
This is the completion of Phase 1 for development of a C/Gtk cross platform network client. Victor has completed the requested work above and beyond the expected work. His technical expertise displays a firm grasp on the usage of C software development on Linux, Windows, and MAC OS X. His GUI handling is impeccable and bug proof.
Victor worked with me for the creation of this Phase Outline. After a series of back-forth emails, the project agreement designed was so detailed, little communication was required from the time Escrow was deposited, to the final product was commited to CVS. His foreign speaking background gives him a strong advantage in multi-character software support, and his English was well spoken.
Victor's professional skills implemented in this Phase of the software development included:
-GUI development using C/gtk on an existing software
-Glade usage for multi window support
-Script language engineering and development (new script language integration into the software )
-Timed event handling and que stacking with 0% software resource increase
-Perl regular expression manipulation and integration into existing software
-TCP/IP network handling to/from software
-GNU autoconf handling
-Cross platform GNU sofware development and compatibility
I look forward to working with Victor as the lead programmer for the completion of the remaining 2 Phases for the software update. His patience, common courtesy, and professionalism are surpassed only by his firm technical expertise in software development.
Text Game Client Development