I have been involved professionally in the web industry since early 2013. I am an experienced web specialist on his journey to become a master in the craft. With my glowing passion for web and technology, i considers myself as highly privileged to be able to work in this field.
I am driven by my passion for an urge to create things.I am also a team player who knows that it takes a team to develop great projects.I enjoy collaborating with colleagues and clients, and will voluntarily help and teach whenever needed. I have very good analytical skills, high ability to find realistic e-solutions such as re-engineering web components to be more user-friendly and customized, design and implement applications for a very high traffic and large-scale websites.
I am experienced in PHP, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, Joomla, Responsive Web Design, Javascript, jQurey, Ranking, SEO and SEM and it happens that I am also a fast learner who loves to read and learn more about technology, especially when its related to my field and upgrade my skills(web in general), and i believes that the better developer is the one who can develop his own skills faster with a better QUALITY.