Provides Custom business solutions to the clients.
VIJAY KUMAR MARAM 9960470248 skype: marvik_39
Qualification: MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATION,Osmania University, 1996
Programming Languages, OOAD: C, C++, C#, Objective C, JAVA, UML
Scripting Languages: Shell Script, HTML, JavaScript and WMLScript
Development Tools: Visual Studio, Eclipse, Keil, Xcode, QtCreator, IAR Operating Systems: Linux, Windows, UNIX, IOS, Symbian
Frameworks and Platforms: MFC, MinGW, Android, Cocoa, QT (Symbian)
RDBMS: Oracle, SQLServer, MS Access, MySql
Wireless Technologies: GPRS, GSM, IrDA, Blue Tooth
Architecture: ARM 7, Cortex-M, Rasp Pi, PIC, 8051, OMAP, UART, SPI, CAN
Build and Tools: u-boot, uImage, Tools chains, Cross Compilers, Linux driver,
Configuring and porting Linux and Android images.
Sub Contracting (Sole Proprietary) (Dec’2009 – Till date)
# Projects –
Video streaming remotely and data to server, Using devices Odroid, Guacamole and Tomcat
IOT design and Setup, Using MQTT (mosquttio etc) for Linux based devices, Waspmote Odroid, RPi.
Customizing, and building the Linux kernel for devices, Odroid, RPI, beagle, Wand etc.
QT setup, Cross compile build and deploy apps on devices Odroid, Beagle etc, (Linux and Windows)
Build and porting android Linux images, for tablets and Linux based arm devices. (NDK)
Weather board setup, for Linux based embedded devices and Debris on Linux desktop.
CAN bus based system with stepper motor using CAN controllers. (STMf32 Discovery)
Role involved in custom building the images from sources. Porting images on target devices (Tablets, ARM).
Study work. On Autosar, Yocto project, and others
Asterisk Setup, on Ubuntu build and install from sources DAHDI, LibPRI and pjproject
Sim 900 GSM module setup, for RPi send, receive messages using AT commands
UART communication Using LPC microcontrollers sending receiving sensors data.
Work Terms
20 - 40 per Week, Part Time and Full Time, skype ID marvik_39