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  • Accounting
  • Advertising
  • Communication Skills
  • Data Entry
  • iOS
  • iOS Development
  • Marketing
  • Tutoring


  • Creative marketing coordinator

    $8/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Skilled and experienced in accounting, data entry, marketing and computer packages applications. Good communication skills stands me great chance of tutoring and communicating. Have had short experience...

    AccountingAdvertisingCommunication SkillsData EntryiOS


Driven professional with technical skills set of iOS developer, accounting, data entry, marketing and Excel spreadsheet.

creative marketing coordinator good in creating marketing collateral. Skilled in campaign development and internet marketing. Successful completion of professional accounting course enhanced my skills which saw me through 6years working as an accountant dealing with all sorts of accounting packages and diversified accounting in the company. My high level of confidence and communication skills stands me a better chance for a job that calls for communication. iOS development and computer packages am knowledgable with helps me to do all the jobs that needs computer knowledge.

Work Terms

Can work for many hours per day.