My endeavor to deliver high quality work at the most competitive price, within the agreed upon timeline.
I have worked for two of the leading financial institutions, as a WFM analyst, for almost a decade. My responsibilities involved resource planning to achieve maximum efficiency, analyse customer patters and make changes to the business plan according to the findings.
Couple of years ago, I decided to leave my job to follow my passion of writing.
Currently, I am working on my first fantasy fiction novel. Though, it leaves me with a lot of free time to pursue and work another paying job, making me a full time "freelancer".
I will be happy to work on your writing projects, as and when needed. Because of my long corporate experience, I also understand the meaning of delivery timelines and honoring work commitment.
I interested in current affairs, both international and national, be it the battle for White House between Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump or Brexit and its impact on Europe or the unrest in Middle East on international front, or the GST or Women’s maternity bill or India’s Olympic campaign on national front.
Please feel free to let me know, if you would like me to share any other details about my professional career or a sample of my writing.