Full Stack Software Developer
I have 7+ years of experience being a Fullstack Developer, I am very much comfortable working with both back-end framework (Laravel/Magento/Shopify) and front end framework (Vue, jQuery, Angular, etc.), HTML5, SASS & CSS.
Good experience with testing tools including Jasmine, protractor, selenium web driver, etc. Good understanding on both Agile and Waterfall methodologies
Very good hands-on Algorithms and Data Structures like Binary Tree, Dictionaries with deep
understanding in core ECMA Script concepts like Asynchronous Programming, AJAX, Promises, Closures, Hoisting, Inheritance, Modules, ES6, Observables, RxJS, JSX, Webpack, Babel, etc.
I have design and develop architectural framework and SDK's ensuring feasibility, functionality, and integration with existing systems/platforms for web application projects. Also, have a good hand with JavaScript Modules, Aurelia, JSPM and SystemJS
? FRONTEND : Anguler.js, React.js, Vue.js, HTML/CSS, JavaScript/jQuery, Version
Control/Git,Motion UI.GraphQL,Gatsby,
? BACKEND: PHP, Java, Laravel 5.x, Shopify, Magento1.x/2.x, Drupal, MVC, Web sockets Socket.io
? Databases: MongoDB, SQL
? Version control tools : GIT, TortoiseSVN, ,Bitbucket and circleci
? Project management tools : JIRA Administrator, Trello, Teamwork
? Amazon Web Service (AWS), Microsoft Azure.Google Cloud Platform.
VMware.IBM Cloud. Rackspace.