I am a virtual assistant Data entry specialist, here are what I do and what I’m really good at, I’m a well Trained virtual assistant with excellent result.
I am a virtual assistant Data entry specialist, here are what I do and what I’m really good at, I’m a well Trained virtual assistant with excellent skills and successful experience, I have gained experience working with some multi-international companies and organizations.
What makes me different from other virtual assistant is that I love and have great passion for working as a Virtual assistant I always learn newest and updated materials that is used in my field. Meanwhile I have strong communicating and convincing skills of handling any kind of job and clients.
Working with companies and Organizations to learn their specific brand, their strength and what they stand for is what I love doing, in the sense that I have set full personal office with my virtual purpose element like my Desktop computer a strong internet connection to ensure quality effectiveness and satisfactory service available to my clients which is very important for a virtual assistant like me.
Here are the areas I’m expert on.
1 Data entry
2 Lead generation
3 Web research
4 Web mining
5 Data scraping
6 Data analysis.
I strongly believe in hard work and honesty. I love and I’m also interested in making long term professional relationship with my clients to ensure that every project become successful, I can ensure and promise that if you hire me you won’t regret your decision.
Work Terms
1- business hour.
I am available for work during business hours Monday to Friday from 10pm-12am WAT. Chargeable hour, any agreed service schedule including telephone/ skype calls falls under chargeable hour, although any written communication with client such as email and text message will not be charged / billed.
2- communication.
Email is preferred but texting and messaging through what-app, telegram, sms, google hangout or skype calls is accepted, but telephone or skype calls are always planned in advance to avoid any possible interference, I also respond to non-urgent Emails a day or on the first working day and I respond to urgent emails as soon as I can.
3- program / soft-wares.
On most regular basis I work with trello (project manager), Dropbox (cloud storage), google docs and drive (word processing and cloud storage), Evernote (notes and list), clockify (time tracking), Microsoft word and excel (for spreadsheet) and last pass (password manager). Most of these programs / tools are suitable for sharing and collaborating and any of my client will not be charged for my use of any of this tools that I have choose to work with but using a program of the Clients choice is always possible provided that the client will cover any fee attached to it.
4- time tracking.
The time will be tracked in increasement of one minute rounded to the closet minute and I will use a spectalised software from clockify for an accurate time tracking.